Anthony Booker, a Military Veteran who served 18 years in the Navy, developed an interest in agriculture as a means to live sustainably and grow food for himself and his community. In 2023, Anthony participated in a variety of our courses supported by a scholarship, including:
- Intro to Grow Workshop: Introductory workshop open to Veterans and community members who are excited to learn more about farming and ranching on Hawaiʻi Island.
- Groundwork to Grow: The Art of Beekeeping: Four-week course where participants received hands-on experience and a comprehensive introduction beekeeping
- Groundwork to Grow: Financial for Farmers: Four-week course where participants received hands-on experience and a comprehensive overview of concepts, including accounting, taxes, and financial literacy.
Anthony now has 9 beehives in his backyard and has recently started his own agribusiness, Big B’z Hawaiian Honey! He also grows lemons, limes, grapefruit, mountain apples, tangerines, bananas, and coconuts that he gives out to his neighbors and one day plans to sell.
Congrats Anthony!